Consent notices not displaying for some users
Incident Report for Didomi
This incident has been resolved.

Some more details on the timing: We correlated a deployment that took place around 3:45-3:55pm CET with our monitoring and reports of customers experiencing issues that we started receiving around 5:00pm CET. To be on the safe side, we decided to rollback the code changes around 5:20pm CET. Since this time, our customers who had reported the issue confirmed the issue had been resolved on their side, and we also ceased to see errors on our side. We are working to ensure that it does not happen again.
Posted Apr 19, 2022 - 17:49 UTC
We have identified some notices not displaying consistently on Web and Mobile platforms starting 4pm CET due to the notice configuration not loading. The issue was due to rate limitations after cache was cleared and affected a limited number of users and websites/mobile apps. The issue is fixed and we are monitoring the situation. We will update with more details soon.
Posted Apr 19, 2022 - 16:41 UTC
This incident affected: Consent Collection and Management (CMP & PMP) (Mobile and CTV SDKs (Android and iOS), Web SDK (Desktop & Mobile)).