NCR CloudConnect API - Increased error rate
Incident Report for
At 17:30 UTC, the NCR CloudConnect API began responding to requests successfully. Error rates have returned to nominal rates. We will continue to monitor the success of calls to the NCR CloudConnect API.
Posted May 15, 2023 - 13:56 PDT
Beginning around 12:12 UTC, we began seeing an increased number of errors when calling the NCR CloudConnect API impacting Tickets, Employee, and Job reads. All API calls may present stale data. Webhooks may also be delayed. We are reaching out to our NCR contacts. We will continue to monitor for the issue to resolve. There are no further technical actions we can take to resolve the issue at this time.
Posted May 15, 2023 - 06:59 PDT
This incident affected: Cloud Integrations (Aloha Cloud Connect).