Order and product list probem with newest ePages version 7.58.0
Incident Report for Vilkas
The issue is with Chrome and Chromium based browsers like Edge. Workaround is to use Firefox browser because with that the lists work normally or use smaller page size with product and order lists that fits on the screen.

The issue has been reported to ePages with detailed information and they are investigating it further. As soon as they are able provide a fix for the issue, we will install it to the shops.
Posted Apr 28, 2021 - 10:08 EEST
With the newest ePages version 7.58.0 there seems to be a problem with the Suite admin lists where you can not scroll down the lists like order or product lists. This is under investigation and will be fixed as soon as possible.

Workaround is to use smaller page size and to use the search to access the order and products while the problem persists.
Posted Apr 27, 2021 - 10:32 EEST
This incident affected: Vilkas Suite Shops and Vilkas Go (ePages) Shops.