Redirect Marketplace not working
Incident Report for Teamleader
Users who have not updated their browsers and programmable frameworks (including OpenSSL (1.0.2)) after 2018 might experience issues to access Teamleader Focus.

Below is a list of OS and web clients that will be affected:
Windows < XP SP3 (assuming Automatic Root Certificate Update isn’t manually disabled)
macOS < 10.12.1 (year 2016)
iOS < 10 (iPhone 5 is the lowest model that can get to iOS 10)
Android < 7.1.1 (but >= 2.3.6 will work if served ISRG Root X1 cross-sign)
Mozilla Firefox < 50
Ubuntu < 16.04
Debian < 8
Java 8 < 8u141
Java 7 < 7u151
NSS < 3.26
Amazon FireOS (Silk Browser)

If you are using one of the above, please try updating to the latest version.
In case you still encounter issues after upgrading, please contact and mention your current browser/operation system version.

The issue also has been resolved on the side of Mailgun (our ticketing and email routing provider).
All delayed tickets have been created in Teamleader.
If you still experience delays in ticket creation please contact us at with specific examples.

All redirect issues to our Teamleader Marketplace have been resolved.
Posted Oct 01, 2021 - 09:09 CEST
Our certificate provider, Let's Encrypt’s certificate expired today (30-Sep-2021). They switched over to their self-signed root certificate (ISRG X1) that does not support outdated browser versions. We already upgraded the certificate of our Marketplace, which should resolve all redirect issues to our Teamleader Marketplace.

Users who have not updated their browsers and programmable frameworks (including OpenSSL (1.0.2)) after 2018 might experience issues to access Teamleader Focus.

Below is a list of OS and web clients that will be affected:
Windows < XP SP3 (assuming Automatic Root Certificate Update isn’t manually disabled)
macOS < 10.12.1 (year 2016)
iOS < 10 (iPhone 5 is the lowest model that can get to iOS 10)
Android < 7.1.1 (but >= 2.3.6 will work if served ISRG Root X1 cross-sign)
Mozilla Firefox < 50
Ubuntu < 16.04
Debian < 8
Java 8 < 8u141
Java 7 < 7u151
NSS < 3.26
Amazon FireOS (Silk Browser)

If you are using one of the above, please try updating to the latest version.
In case you still encounter issues after upgrading, please contact and mention your current browser/operation system version.

Be aware, Mailgun (our ticketing and email routing provider) is experiencing the same issues and is investigating as we speak to upgrade their infrastructure. This is causing delays in ticket creation in Teamleader Focus.
Posted Sep 30, 2021 - 18:39 CEST
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Posted Sep 30, 2021 - 17:31 CEST
The redirect to our Teamleader Marketplace from the Teamleader app is currently not working, please use the direct link:
Some of our integrations can not be added.
There is a delay in the processing of tickets.
Posted Sep 30, 2021 - 17:11 CEST
This incident affected: API and integration services (Marketplace website) and Teamleader Focus components (Shared inbox).