Files Upload Issue
Incident Report for Kaltura
What was the Issue: There was an issue with files upload. Users might have received an error when trying to upload files.

Current Status: Together with the vendor, our team has resolved the issue.

Kindly re-upload the needed files, as they will not be uploaded automatically.

What to Expect Next: We are closing the incident.
Posted Sep 30, 2022 - 08:38 UTC
What is the Issue: There is an issue with files upload. Users might receive an error when trying to upload files.

Current Status: Our team is still actively working on resolution of the matter.

What to Expect Next: The next update will be provided within 1 hour.
Posted Sep 30, 2022 - 07:54 UTC
What is the Issue: There is an issue with files upload. Users might receive an error when trying to upload files.
Current Status: Our team identified the issue and is working with our cloud vendor on resolution.
What to Expect Next: The next update will be provided in 30 minutes.
Posted Sep 30, 2022 - 07:24 UTC
This incident affected: Kaltura Webinars, Virtual Classroom and Meetings (File Upload).