Okta's Investigation of LAPSUS$ Update
Incident Report for Auvik Networks Inc.
At Auvik, transparency with our clients and maintaining our customers' trust is critical to who we are. Okta released a statement on March 22nd, 2022 regarding a security incident that may have affected their customers. Auvik leverages Okta as an authentication partner for access to the Auvik application and for our own internal authentication. Following on from our last update, we have continued communication with Okta to confirm the overall impact to Auvik.

To reiterate, according to the Okta statement release:
“The potential impact to Okta customers is limited to the access that support engineers have. These engineers are unable to create or delete users, or download customer databases. Support engineers do have access to limited data - for example, Jira tickets and lists of users - that were seen in the screenshots. Support engineers are also able to facilitate the resetting of passwords and multi-factor authentication factors for users, but are unable to obtain those passwords.”

Okta has now confirmed that only one of Auvik’s Okta instances used for internal testing purposes was serviced by the third-party customer support provider.

After a thorough review of all systems and logs, Auvik can confirm that no customer accounts have been affected. The impact is limited to a subset of internal users involved in testing internal Auvik applications, with no Auvik employee accounts compromised. The impacted systems have no access to customer accounts or customer data and are not associated with the Auvik Network Management product.

While it is not required nor explicitly recommended as a result of this update, you can reset your password and two-factor access at any time. For steps to reset your password, please check the guide here, and for steps to reset your 2FA token, please follow the guide to have your Auvik administrator reset your 2FA token.

As always, Auvik puts the security of our users and their respective data above all else. Our team will continue to monitor the situation, and provide any additional guidance from Okta as and when it becomes available. For further updates from Okta directly, please see the Okta FAQ page.

If you have any remaining questions or concerns, please contact support@auvik.com.

Okta statement: https://www.okta.com/blog/2022/03/updated-okta-statement-on-lapsus/

Okta FAQ: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/Frequently-Asked-Questions-Regarding-January-2022-Compromise?language=en_US

Password Reset: https://support.auvik.com/hc/en-us/articles/200704434-Recovering-a-forgotten-password

Reset your MFA token: https://support.auvik.com/hc/en-us/articles/212478106#topic_reset2FA
Posted Mar 28, 2022 - 09:43 EDT
Auvik is still monitoring the status of Okta’s response.

Okta latest public statements:

If you have any remaining questions or concerns, please contact support@auvik.com.
Posted Mar 25, 2022 - 12:01 EDT
At Auvik, transparency with our clients and maintaining our customers' trust is critical to who we are. As you’ve likely heard in the news, Okta released a statement on March 22nd, 2022 regarding a security incident that may have affected their customers. Auvik leverages Okta as an authentication partner for access to the Auvik application and for our own internal authentication. Since the news broke on Okta in the early hours of March 22nd, our team has been investigating and evaluating if there was any impact to Auvik or our customers.

According to the Okta statement release:
“The potential impact to Okta customers is limited to the access that support engineers have. These engineers are unable to create or delete users, or download customer databases. Support engineers do have access to limited data - for example, Jira tickets and lists of users - that were seen in the screenshots. Support engineers are also able to facilitate the resetting of passwords and multi-factor authentication factors for users, but are unable to obtain those passwords.”

At 8:20 pm ET on March 23rd, we received confirmation from Okta that one of Auvik’s Okta instances used for internal purposes may have been serviced by the third-party customer support provider during the five-day time period indicated in Okta’s blog post.

This is up-to-date information and we have been told that a more detailed report will come shortly, and we are in continual communication with Okta in order to expedite the receipt of additional information.

The scope appears to be limited to a subset of internal users, with no Auvik employee accounts compromised. The potentially impacted systems have no access to customer accounts or customer data, and no customer accounts have been affected to our knowledge. Our own logs do not show any signs of potentially malicious behavior from January, when the Okta Security team were first alerted, to the present time.

The security of our users is paramount to us here at Auvik, and we will always act in your best interest. Our team continues to monitor the situation and will take action as any further guidance from Okta becomes available.

If you have any remaining questions or concerns, please contact support@auvik.com.

Okta Statement: https://www.okta.com/blog/2022/03/updated-okta-statement-on-lapsus/
Posted Mar 24, 2022 - 20:05 EDT